Leave a legacy

Make a bequest

Give an extraordinary gift 

Thank you for considering making a bequest to Orchestra Wellington. We are thrilled and delighted that we play a part in your own personal musical life. 

Including a gift in your will to Orchestra Wellington – however large or small – is a powerful way to leave a lasting and meaningful legacy. By doing so, you will have an impact on the cultural life of our city and region for decades to come.

If you wish your planned gift to Orchestra Wellington to be used for a specific purpose, we strongly encourage with you to have a chat to us, to ensure that your gift can put to its intended use for generations to come. All details of your bequest will be held in confidence. 

Click here to download a copy of our bequest form.

Our frequently asked questions detail more about the process of leaving a bequest.

"As a patron with accessibility issues, I particularly admire how accessible Orchestra Wellington concerts are"

- Leslie Austin (Founding member of Orchestra Wellington's Foundation Legacy Circle)

Become a Member of the Orchestra Wellington Foundation Legacy Circle 

If you choose to leave a gift in your will to Orchestra Wellington, no matter what size or type, we’d like to welcome you as a new member of our Orchestra Wellington Foundation Legacy Circle. 

The Legacy Circle acknowledges the wonderful generosity of those who have left a gift to Orchestra Wellington in their wills. This extraordinary commitment is recognised in concert programmes and on our website. Alternatively, should you prefer, we can acknowledge your contribution anonymously.

As a member of the Orchestra Wellington Foundation Legacy Circle, you will be invited to become closer to the orchestra and our players through special events and opportunities across the season. 

If you would like to know more 

Contact Kerry-Anne Gilberd, Partnership Manager at or phone (04) 801 7810